But while reading, TA is just awesome because RegEx could be used to skip a lot of what one would not like to hear, like references. The floating bar of TA somehow tried to overcome that problem, unfortunately, one has to keep on highlighting what to be read making reading cumbersome.

This is the one reason I find it difficult to use TA for months.

In addition, the time wasted to cut, paste and trim most content is enormous that at end one actually hasn't save much time. Many like to see what they are actually reading especially for educational purposes where the content has diagrams, tables and charts. It still has issues but nonetheless it's way more useful. But this particular effort by NaturalReader to make their application a digital book reader made all the difference. I must however, add that TA is way better than NaturalReader when you already have the edited text ready to be read or converted to audio as I do have all the versions of NaturalReader applications, from the Desktop to Android and iOS and a handful of other TTS softwares. It's just that I don't want to call names of the competing application but NaturalReader have done well by thinking along that direction. I also agree with you absolutely about the OCR feature. Adding this functionality would make TA unbeatable! Natural Reader seems to be progressing nicely in this direction but lacks the regular expression capability and still has some limitations with PDF. It would also be useful for ebooks (kindle and Adobe). Addition of an OCR capability would also greatly enhance functionality now that many vendors use image only presentation of on-line material. If, however, you are already working on adding the feature of importing pdf and other file formats, please contact me and I would gladly participate in its evaluation. Otherwise, it will lose appeal to most of us. I advise the future of this great application lies in its incorporation of pdf, Epub and other readers. That improvement is by adding the ability to import a pdf file along with its structure in their reader and not just the text. And I recently tumbled on another application that I have discarded long ago, but only to realize they have improved more than TA.

But despite my love for the application, I find myself having less need for it. There is no doubt that TA is one of the best text to audio converters, especially armed with regular expression.